Organizational Culture Development Through SPIRAL DYNAMICS

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How to identify the value system driving organisational behaviour , to create the cultural shifts with minimal resistance to change ?


What if you are able to identify the root cause of conflicts when an organization initiates a cultural shift through transformations ?

What if you had the ability to instantly resonate with the value system driving behaviour and positively influence the organization ?


Oxford dictionary defines Organization as ” [countable] a group of people who form a business, club, etc. together in order to achieve a particular aim ” .  People individually are driven by their own personal values and when that aligns with the group values , thereby the organization value then there is synergy in creating something bigger than the individual parts .

In this topic , the trainer will not only share his personal experience in being able to identify the value systems driving the cultural behaviour of the leadership team , but also help the participants identify what needs to be there to remove any potential resistance to change .

The participants can expect to:

  • Enhance their ability to positively influence culture change by first identifying the value system driving the cultural emergent behaviour
  • Ability to find within themselves their value systems and what needs to shift for them to better influence the intended audience

Get resources to take their learnings further and apply it in everyday work
